Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick - Review

Hush, Hush has been sitting on my bookshelf staring at me for some time now. It also gives me the eye anytime I see it in the books store and so this lazy Saturday morning, I decided to give it a try. I read the whole book this morning and I have to say I was in a very good mood all day, thinking of fallen angels and boys named Patch...

Hush, Hush is set on the east coast and our main character Nora is just your average high school teenager. She's got a mouthy best friend and is a little more on the quite and reserved side of things. While she's never been interested in boys before, Patch, our leading man, taunts, teases and pushes his way into Nora's field of vision. Before she knows it, she's falling hard for the mysterious and dangerous Patch and she has no idea just how dangerous this darring young man can be. Filled with passion, action and of course romance, Hush, Hush is a well written book you'll find hard to put down.

Now, I've read some very positive and also some very negative reviews of this book and I have to say that I really enjoyed this read. While it wasn't my favorite book of all time, it was a new story that kept me entertained and begging for more Patch and Nora scenes. I feel like Fitzpatrick can do a lot with this series and it gave me a feeling that I will like each book more than the last.

Our heroine, Nora, is strong willed and naive (a gruesome combination if your love interest is a fallen angel....) and I really liked her character. During her interactions with the hunky Patch, I found myself thinking that I would have the same reactions to him in my own awkward adolescence. I probably would have liked to have seen a little bit more from Patch in this story. Also, I must confess, I did have a little chuckle and eye roll when I first read his name... Patch? Really? That sounds like an adorable fluffy puppy, not a leather jacket wearing heartbreaker. But as Hush, Hush progressed, I got over the name because who doesn't love a sexy, mysterious, motorcycle riding dark angel (Even if his name is Patch)?

Overall, the storyline did feel a little familiar at times, but I enjoyed the read nonetheless. I felt that Fitzpatrick did a stellar job creating two very different but compatible characters in a story of forbidden love. I'm excited to see what comes next in Crescendo and I hope to have book three, Silence finished by the time Finale is published.

7 out of 10

Happy Reading :)



  1. Yay! I'm glad you finally read and enjoyed this one. I've read a few REALLY bad angel books so I found Hush, Hush to be quite amazing in comparison. I'd love to be able to read books 2 and 3 before Finale's release but I don't foresee that happening.

  2. I loved the cover for this book, but I have to admit I didn't like it much.

    I'm a new follower, btw. :)

  3. Book Slayer- I completely agree, it wasn't the greatest read but in comparison, it was pretty great!

    Kah- I absolutely love this cover too. That's what drew me to this book in the first place! Thanks for following :)

  4. Hello, New follower. Beautiful blog, Pls follow back.
